Carlton President = Green Key!
With focus the environment and the future
Great news: Carlton President has been judged for the ecolabel Green Key and we've received the Green Key label!
The total of tourism activities in the world represents a major impact on the environment. The Green Key was created to raise the awareness of owners and managers of tourism and leisure establishments on the necessity and possibilities of running a responsible business.
Het Green Key Certificaat
Fact 5: The Green Key programme rests on 5 pillars:
Education for sustainable development and environmental awareness of the owners, staffs and clients of leisure establishments;
Environmental preservation by the reduction of the impacts of the establishment on the environment; Economical management as a reduction of the consumption induces a reduction of the costs;
Marketing strategy with the promotion of the label and the establishments awarded;
Strengthening of the tourism and leisure branche by taking responsibility broader than then just their own establishments.
Getting awarded with The Green Key means that an establishment has fulfilled a list of requirements. These requirements are contained in mandatory and guideline criteria. Besides environmental demands the criteria include demands on:
training, staffmonitoring, energy, usewashing, cleaning, food and beverages, indoor environment, parks and parking areas, education, transportation etc.